A Birth Story

Saturday, November 7, 2015

It's taken me five months to publish George's birth story! Part of the delay has been a time factor (my hands are so gloriously full these days!)...but another part of me has hesitated to share my story because I wanted to get it just right. And, more than anything else, I did not want to offend. I loved giving birth to George. But I know not everyone loves giving birth. My hope in publishing George's birth story is to encourage...not to discourage, judge, or offend. When I was pregnant with George I was so nervous about labor and delivery. Reading positive, encouraging birth stories really helped to alleviate a lot of my fears (that and a lot of prayer!). I hope my story may serve the same purpose for you.


I LOVE reading birth stories. Even before I was pregnant or married I used to love finding a good birth story on a blog...or on TV! I remember visiting a friend in college and spending the better part of the weekend on her couch watching episodes of A Baby Story and crying happy tears as each baby made their grand entrance into the world. Haha!

But even with all of my interest in babies and birth stories I had never thought of the kind of birth I wanted to have until Andrew and I found out we were expecting. I think I always assumed I would give birth in a hospital. I actually ended up delivering in a birthing pool! I figured I would just work with OB-GYN's, but instead I labored under the care of midwives.

I learned so much during my pregnancy with George. And now at five months postpartum I am more passionate than ever about some of the things I was exposed to while pregnant with him. I feel so grateful for those nine months of figuring out exactly what kind of labor and delivery I wanted. And I will always feel unspeakably grateful for Andrew's confidence in me. His willingness to participate in a different kind of birth experience was just the boost I needed. I remember asking my Aunt Greer for her labor advice while I was pregnant and her words still echo in my head, "Emily, you can have good midwives and you can have bad midwives. But regardless of the kind of midwife you have, Andrew will be your best birthing coach." She was so right!

Andrew and I started our prenatal care at a hospital practice here in the northern Virginia area. It was a highly-rated, highly-recommended, very busy practice. I went there for three visits before I realized maybe this wasn't the best fit for us. The visits were brief. The doctors were harried. When I expressed my preference for a birth with as few medical interventions as possible, the doctors assured me that would not necessarily be possible. So off Andrew and I went to a birthing center! We transferred there when I was about 20 weeks pregnant. And we never looked back--it was the single best decision we made during the entire pregnancy. I know this can be a sensitive area and I so understand that some births are medically necessary to take place in a hospital setting. But, thankfully, we had a low-risk pregnancy and the birthing center ended up being the absolute best place for us.

My due date with George was May 30 and I tried to hold it loosely. The midwives at the birthing center assured me that most first time moms end up going right past their due date. But as May 30 approached I was on pins and needles for that baby to get here! :) I had such a smooth pregnancy, but some sciatic nerve pain in the last two weeks of pregnancy had made everything uncomfortable. Walking was hard. Sleeping was a nightmare. The only comfort I could find was bouncing up and down on an exercise ball I borrowed from my parents. I was on that thing at all times during my last few weeks of pregnancy... I even took it over to my in-laws home for dinner one night!

All that to say, while I tried to hold May 30 loosely, I was READY for baby to arrive! I remember texting my friend Hannah a few days prior to that Saturday. She shared half a dozen natural induction tips and I was game for anything. Saturday, May 30 was hot and humid here in D.C. There was no sign of baby...so I put Hannah's induction tips into practice! Five walks around the neighborhood. 50 squats around noon. 60 pelvic rocks right before bed. That evening still nothing. No contractions. No signs of labor.

Sunday, May 31 dawned after a night of restless sleep. Andrew and I headed to church and I felt something very similar to cramps. I texted Hannah and I remember her writing back, "THOSE ARE TOTALLY CONTRACTIONS!!!"

I was so excited! We were getting somewhere! Maybe Baby would come soon! Sunday turned into Monday...our two year anniversary. I was hoping and hoping that baby would hold out until at least the second of June. I kept having cramps/contractions off and on all day Monday. They weren't painful. And weren't really that noticeable either. Andrew and I headed out for an anniversary dinner at the place we celebrated our wedding reception (Old Angler's Inn!). There were huge thunderstorms at dinner. And a full moon that night. Little did we know it would be the last dinner we had as just the two of us.

A rainy anniversary evening at the beautiful Old Angler's Inn // June 1, 2015
I woke up early on June 2. My phone said it was 1am, and I realized those crampy feelings had awakened me. They were becoming a bit more noticeable. But still not painful. More like tightening pressure. I grabbed that exercise ball and started to time the contractions. Andrew was sleeping as I timed contractions for an hour. They were about six minutes apart. Then five minutes. Then eight minutes. A little too sporadic. I paced our bedroom and rocked on that exercise ball. I tried to get back into bed a few times but those contractions were just irksome! At 5am I woke Andrew up and told him the status. We agreed to wait until 8am to call the midwives. After all, my contractions were still a bit irregular and we certainly didn't want to place an early morning call for nothing. At 8am we called. Jo, the midwife on call that day, answered and suggested we drive out to the birthing center. Everything still felt completely manageable. I wasn't in pain. I wasn't worried. We told Jo we'd head out to the center as soon as morning rush hour slowed down. We drove out to the center around 10:30 that morning. I remember a few contractions happening in the car...I was gripping Andrew's hand tightly! They were uncomfortable, but not painful. Bothersome, but not terrifying.

We arrived at the birthing center and Jo offered to check to see how things we're progressing. Imagine our surprise and shock to discover I was already 5 centimeters dilated! This baby really was coming! Jo gave us three options: 1) stay put at the center, or 2) go home and return quickly, or 3) have Andrew return home and I stay put.

I was desperate to go home with Andrew. I needed to grab that bag I'd spent weeks packing. And I wanted to wash the breakfast dishes we'd left in the sink...and bake brownies for the birthing team...and drop off Admiral Byrd at the vet...and grab my protein shake from the fridge that I'd made specifically for our labor...

So off Andrew and I drove! Jo reminded us to eat a good lunch. Andrew dropped me off at the house and went out to pick up Elevation Burger for lunch. I ran around the house like a mad woman tidying and packing and baking and cleaning.

By early afternoon we were preparing to head back to the birthing center. We had called our families and given them an update and they were all praying for us. I remember leaving the house thinking, "Lord willing, we'll be walking back through this door with a BABY. Holy cow!"

We arrived back at the birthing center shortly before 3pm, and I remember suddenly feeling wiped out. The early morning contractions and drives back and forth to the center had left me feeling exhausted. At the midwives suggestions I had prepared a few drinks to help me through labor--a protein shake, a lemon/honey drink, and my 40 oz water bottle. I had granola bars and power bars, too. The food and drinks gave me the nourishment and energy I needed!

our room at the birthing center
six hours before George's arrival...behind me is the tub where George was born!
My contractions had subsided with all of the driving back and forth, but suddenly they picked up again in intensity. Andrew was at my side in moments. Together we worked through the contractions. He would apply pressure on my lower back and I would close my eyes and breathe through the peak of the contraction. Boy, did it feel good to get through them one by one! In between we talked, we laughed, we ate and drank and walked around the room and rested.

The hours went by. I lost track of time. I could see it was evening, and then gradually the shadows lengthened. It was dusk and then night. I was concentrating so hard on the work at hand. It was difficult work, but not impossible. Andrew was there applying just the right pressure. Jo had been in and out of the room, but she was now with me constantly. She was a quiet presence. Every few minutes she applied the doppler to listen for the baby's heartbeat. Baby was good. Kathleen, the student midwife, stroked my arm through contractions. "You're doing it," she would whisper. Another midwife, Shawna, knelt next to me while a contraction started, "Breathe and try to relax as best you can," she gently instructed.

At one point I was aware that our wonderful next door neighbor (and doula!), Denise, had entered the room. I had talked with Denise on so many different occasions during my pregnancy...about labor...and delivery...and whether the birth center was really a good idea...and what to expect...and if I could really handle a natural labor. She was the sounding board for so many of my questions! Her encouragement was such a blessing. I knew that when I went into labor I wanted Andrew by my side...and Denise! Several weeks before I was due Denise and I sat down and went over her work schedule for the end of May/early June. I hoped and prayed that I could deliver on a night she was free! On June 2 Denise worked all day at the hospital (delivering sweet babies!) and late that night drove out to the birthing center. I remember Andrew whispering in my ear sometime that night, "Denise just got here." Oh, the relief and the joy! We still joke that her arrival was like the cavalry coming in...it gave us JUST the boost we needed!

working through contractions with the best labor coach!

smiling and talking in between contractions

Earlier in the day, when we had arrived at the birthing center, Jo asked me what I thought about a water birth. There were huge tubs in all of the birthing center rooms. I really didn't have a strong opinion one way or another. I was open to a water birth, but didn't have to have one. At one point in the afternoon Jo suggested I might enjoy the relaxation of the water. I hopped in, and the water was completely relaxing! That night, hours into labor, Jo suggested again that I might enjoy the tub. With the assistance of the midwives and Andrew, I climbed in. Andrew had slipped into his swim trunks and climbed in with me.

The water was so relaxing. I had gone right past the first stage of labor, into transition, and was feeling those powerful pushing contractions. So I pushed rested and pushed and rested and pushed. "You're making great progress," Jo encouraged. At one point she suggested I reach down and feel the baby's head. We were so close. But that pushing was taking forever. It wasn't painful, just intense pressure...but I was so tired. A small doubt began to creep into my mind that I wouldn't have the energy I needed to push this baby out. I was so, so tired. Kathleen offered the water bottle again. I prayed. I pushed. I listened to Andrew's encouraging voice. I watched Jo's face. She was completely calm. I looked at Denise. She stroked the hair back from my forehead. I waited while Shawna checked Baby's heartbeat. Still good. I decided then. I would give it everything I had. I pushed with all of my strength. And there was release! I remember hearing Jo say, "Catch your baby!" I reached into the water and pulled that tiny form onto my chest...and sank back onto Andrew in the tub.

Raw emotion! Meeting our George for the first time
Then it was a blur...the midwives wrapping a blanket over me and the baby on my chest...the joy of looking down and seeing that tiny face...the intense joy...and love...suddenly wondering "what is the sex?"...and Andrew lifting a corner of the blanket and announcing "It's a boy!"...a boy...we have a son...the first cries...the fingers and toes...the midwives rapidly draining the tub...the cord pulsating for minutes and minutes after the birth...Andrew asking Denise to cut the cord....her strong, steady hands...passing the baby to Denise as Jo and Shawna helped me exit the tub...standing up and delivering the placenta...being helped to the bed...and feeling elated exhausted overjoyed incredible comatose and absolutely calm.

"Do we have a name for the baby?" Jo asked us. We looked at one another and smiled. Of course it was George. No question. The midwives measured, weighed, and checked all of George's vital signs. Jo helped me get started with breastfeeding. And Andrew ordered Papa John's pizza to be delivered to the birthing center. The midwives left us to bask in the sweetness of our new family. Andrew called our parents and siblings, and we lay on the bed staring at George. We were simply amazed. We rested a few more hours and then packed our belongings up, loaded that brand new baby into his car seat, and drove home (for the second time that day!) around 2:30 in the morning. I remember walking into our house with George in his car seat and thinking, "Nothing, absolutely nothing could have prepared me for how wonderful and completely surreal this would feel."

We slept that night. And in the morning there we were with our newborn son. We could not get over it. We still can't get over it! Andrew and I reminisce about the beauty and work of that night...the co-laboring, the marathon day, the amazing birth team we had, and the peaceful atmosphere of the birthing center. It was a day that was bathed in prayer by so many people. We were so aware of and appreciative of those prayers! What an incredible, life-changing event to experience!

hours before delivery and six weeks postpartum!
P.S. My birth story might be drastically different from yours. Or it might be very similar. Or maybe you've never given birth but you're very curious about it. I could talk about the details of my story forever! I loved being pregnant and I loved labor and delivery, too. If you ever want to swap birth stories or talk birth in general or even ask more specific questions about my experience, I would love to do that! Please feel free to e-mail me at emilyjofossen [at] gmail [dot] com.

Postpartum Lifesavers {for Mama}

Wednesday, September 16, 2015

Happy September! I hope you're enjoying a glorious month in your neck of the woods! We've had some beautiful semi-fall days here and I am soaking them up! George and I traveled home this past weekend on our 7th flight of the summer (!!!) with both grandmothers--God bless them. It took all three of us to manage the baby gear! Andrew returns home today after being away for a few days...and then no more travels for us for awhile. :) We are ready to nest at home for a little bit and enjoy this gorgeous Virginia fall!

George turned three months old earlier this month and we officially said goodbye to that fourth trimester. Whew, what a summer! It was so good and sweet, but such an adjustment, too. I feel like there are a million of these lists floating around the Internet these days, but I wanted to share my two cents. Here are a few items that helped me ease into the transition of suddenly having this precious little babe to care for!

1. Jo Malone candle: Oh, the decadence! I feel like a lavender scented candle is a MUST for any new mom! They are just so relaxing and heavenly! My sis-in-law gave me one this past Christmas...I couldn't find that exact one, but here's a splurge worthy Jo Malone lavender candle.

2. Lansinoh HPA Lanolin: My friend, Elise, joked that she used this so much when her son was born she began to call it his lip balm! YES! This little gel was a lifesaver for me. Especially in those early days of breastfeeding when everything was super sensitive and painful. I smothered this gel on around the clock. Worth its weight in gold!

3. Postnatal Vitamins: I took the prenatal version of these throughout my pregnancy with George. These postnatal vitamins are so easy...just take one with every meal. Friendly on the stomach, and great for helping to manage some of those postpartum hormones.

4. Earth Mama Angel Baby Bottom Spray: All the Earth Mama products are wonderful, but this one was just priceless! I used it multiple times a day during that first postpartum month. You can use any leftover spray as a face toner!

5. Kimono Style Robe: Another little decadent treat! :) I feel like a nice robe is just a necessity for a new mom! You're in your PJs so much that first week, and it helps to feel pretty. I have this Plum Pretty Sugar robe. But, you can't go wrong with any of their lovely pieces.

6. Ibuprofen: Another lifesaver! Our neighbor, Denise, ran out the day after we returned home to grab me Ibuprofen, stool softener pills and witch hazel pads (kept them in the fridge for extra cooling relief!). And my Sis showed up later that first week with another huge bottle of Ibuprofen and prune juice...who else but a sister can you send on an errand like that? :) 

7. Lip Balm: Great during labor and postpartum! And so many fun flavors to choose from.

8. Motherlove Sitz Bath Concentrate: Another blogger recommended this bath concentrate and I was eager to try it! It was so relaxing and refreshing.

9. Hydro Flask: Perhaps the most essential item for labor and postpartum! My brother, Isaac, introduced our whole family to these and now we are all completely obsessed. Andrew refilled this for me probably half a dozen times while I was in labor. And once we were home this bottle was on my nightstand at all times. It helped me stay hydrated with all of that nursing!

A few more items...Clif Bars and Trader Joe's Quick Cook Steel Cut Oatmeal were so great to have on hand in those first few weeks. There is no hunger like nursing hunger! :) My Sis also swears by Lara bars...those would be an easy little snack to pack in the diaper bag or just have by your nightstand.

A few favorite nursing bras!

Bravado Body Nursing Bra
Cake Lingerie Nursing
BraBoob Nursing Bra

Oh! And easy makeup removal...I was all about that the first week! These cloths are so great. Fast, gentle, and perfect for a hurried mom! :)
Burt's Bees Cleansing Towelettes

Letters to George Fossen // Volume 6

Friday, August 7, 2015

Darling George,

I have tried to write this letter to you at least a dozen times...and every time my eyes well up with happy tears and I can hardly make it through to the next sentence! You are HERE! It was you all along!

I can't even begin to tell you how much your Dad and I love you. My parents used to say that all the time...You'll understand when you're a parent...I get it now. I really do! It's an all-encompassing, crazy, joy-filled, heart-breaking, intense kind of love! You made your Dad and I parents! That's still weird. And fun! We stare at you all the time. Your smiles, your laughs, your little fists, your long arms and legs...we are just crazy about you!

It has been the sweetest summer with you, precious George. You made your arrival one day after our second wedding anniversary and the days and weeks since then have been one big happy blur. We've mostly camped out at home, but we've made it to church and your grandparents' homes many times. We even celebrated your Uncle Stephen and Aunt Elinor's engagement and vacationed with my family in Williamsburg! We've enjoyed lots of walks around the neighborhood, too. I hope I get around to recording your birth story--it is one of my favorite stories! I loved giving birth to you!

We had SO many visitors in the first few days after you were born. It was a revolving door around here of happy grandparents and aunts and uncles and family friends. And the gifts! SO many gifts! Every day packages were arriving from Florida and California and New York and Hawaii...the FedEx truck was a welcome sight. :) And the cards! Some of them would come addressed to "Master George Fossen" and my heart would feel so full.

My friend Jenna graciously offered to organize meals for us after your arrival...and George, boy did we enjoy some good eatin'! We had friends bringing us meals every week for the first two months of your life! I've yet to go to the grocery store once since your birth--we have been spoiled! But, not spoiled rotten (I hope) because I feel so, so grateful for our community of friends and family. Oh sweet George...when I was pregnant with you I stressed about the nursery coming together and whether your layette was complete and if I had the right diaper cream and what your going home outfit should be. Those things were important, yes. But the most important thing we needed for your arrival was something we already had...our community. Oh, you need people. And my goodness did we ever rely on our community in those early postpartum days and weeks. I feel so incredibly grateful for the outpouring of love and support we received. And still receive! God was and is so good to us.

George, you are fearfully and wonderfully made. We included verses from Psalm 139 on your birth announcement, and those verses resonate with us now more than ever:
For you formed my inward parts;
you knitted me together in my mother's womb.
I praise you, for I am fearfully and wonderfully made. 
Psalm 139: 13-14a (ESV)
You are a precious gift from God, sweet George. Your Dad and I pray every day that you will grow into a man who knows and loves God. We pray that your masculinity will be deeply rooted in your Creator. You have energy and strength already...and we pray that you would use that energy and strength to fulfill God's good purposes in your life. We feel so honored and humbled and privileged to be your parents. We are learning, too! Bear with us. We have already made mistakes and I'm sure there will be many to come. But, we love you so, dear George!

We thank God for you--our precious, precious son!

All our love,

Mom & Dad

Two days old with your wonderful Dad!

Your Uncle Isaac sent us flowers that arrived the morning after you were born...
...and your Aunt Courtney brought over a beautiful bouquet when she visited later that evening!
Hand-delivered cookies from Nani's dear friend Brenda!
Our wonderful neighbor Denise (who was also at your birth! more on that later...) tied a few blue ribbons to our front door to announce the news of your birth to the neighborhood
Admiral Byrd...still not sure what to make of all this baby crying. ;)
Just shy of two weeks old!

First bath! (Dad is wearing shorts hah!)
Aloha! Wearing the onesie from your Hawaiian-living Uncle Isaac
Celebrating at your Uncle Stephen and Aunt Elinor's engagement party (and wearing your first Swedish outfit)!
Our wonderful Beatrice!
The newly engaged couple!
Meeting one of your great grandmothers for the first time!
Where would we be without our Nani?! She has helped me adjust to motherhood all summer long...I am so grateful for her!

Letters to Baby Fossen // Volume 5

Thursday, May 28, 2015

Sweet Baby Fossen!

I'm wondering every day now...is today the day?! Is this my last letter to you? Is this the last time your Dad and I will have dinner just the two of us? Is this my last pregnant walk waddle around the neighborhood? We are down to a waiting game now! Almost 40 weeks sweet babe! Take all the time you need...but, not too long...please! ;)

Your Dad and I can't wait to meet you! I feel like I say that over and over but it is so true. The very first feelings we had about you are still there...what will you look like and be like? What kind of music will you enjoy? Will you be outgoing or quieter? Will you like the farm? The ocean? Will you think Admiral Byrd is as funny and weird and jolly as we do? What will your one wild and beautiful life be like?

I have loved being pregnant with you! Aside from some small discomforts here at the end the majority of this time has been, thankfully, so smooth--and really wonderful! We've traveled a lot together...New York City and Bermuda and Hawaii and all over Maryland and Virginia! I will never forget experiencing so many firsts with you...the first sonogram, the first "I'm going to lose my dinner" wave of nausea, the first kicks, the first baby outfits, the first time someone prayed for you, the first time someone asked me when I was due, the first maternity clothes, the first birthing class and birthing books and highchairs and nursery decor and baby showers and baby names...I hear your heartbeat at every prenatal visit and it still fills me with joy each and every time.

Your Dad and I are so thankful for you and can't wait to meet you. There are so many things I want to tell you. So many things I want you to know. Our pastor, John Yates, said something in a sermon the other week and I thought-yes, that! That about sums it all up..."Always remember...the way of Jesus is the way of life...the way of fulfillment...the way of purpose." If you remember that all the days of your life, the rest is just details.

Dinner last night at Outback Steakhouse! :)
We wondered the whole time,  "Is this our last dinner out before Baby?!"

Our Hawaiian babymoon!
We talk about going back to see your Uncle Isaac allllllllll the time!

My wonderful coworkers hosted a baby shower for me last month, and one of the activities involved writing down hopes for you. Each guest took time to fill out a little sheet of paper, and afterward we went around the room and shared our hopes out loud. It was seriously one of the most precious times...I was in happy tears by the end! I saved every one of those sweet letters and put them in a scrapbook in your nursery.

Here is what I wrote to you...

I hope that you know how much you are loved!

I hope that you aren't afraid to start over. It's totally okay to fail.

I hope you love the smell of the ocean.

I hope you get your Dad's dimples.

I hope you laugh at yourself first.

I hope you never forget where you've come from.

I hope you ignore too many opinions. You can't please everyone.

I hope you become the man or woman God designed you to be.

I hope you respect the people who are most different from you.

I hope you learn to not take life too seriously.

I hope you grow in grace and knowledge and love for God and His people.

Come soon sweet babe! We love you so, so much.


Your Mom and Dad

Letters to Baby Fossen // Volume 4 {A Nursery Tour!}

Monday, May 18, 2015

Darling Baby!

Your arrival is imminent now! Your Dad and I are so excited! Less than two weeks to go. I can hardly believe it. This time has just flown by. Are you really going to be in our arms soon? This is the happiest kind of surreal there could possibly be! :)

Your Dad and I have been working to get everything ready for your arrival. Your Dad has worked so hard. Long days at the farm for him and then nights spent putting together bookshelves...and nightstands...and highchairs...and changing tables. He's had so much on his plate. And so much I'm sure he'd rather be doing. But he gives of himself over and over and over again. He is amazing! He loves you so much.
{Mother's Day flowers from my sisters-in-law! // Ina May's Guide to Childbirth...one of my favorite pregnancy reads // Boon highchair}
Sweet Baby, here is your nursery! We've got items in here from Craigslist and J.C. Penney and HomeGoods and Amazon...and gently used items from lots of friends and relatives! That precious "Big Love" banner is from a shower my coworkers hosted for me last month...we all thought it would look perfect in your future room.

Could we talk about your Jellycat family for a minute? I am obsessed with these ultra soft creatures! Oh goodness, they are adorable! I wish they came in adult sizes.

And your little sheep mobile! Have you ever seen anything so precious?! My college friend, Becky, told me months ago that she wanted to make this for your nursery. She sent me photos of the wool and texted me progress updates...and I could barely contain my excitement when I saw her last month in Lancaster, Pennsylvania and she revealed THIS!

{Becky and I! Friends for 10+ years // Lancaster, PA // April 2015}
I was--and still am--all heart eyes over these precious little lambs! My Mom has always said homemade gifts are the best. And I thought that when Becky gave us this priceless gift. Every time I look at this mobile I'll be reminded of the gift of friendship. Sweet Baby Fossen, I hope you have deep, lifelong friendships!

We've got books galore for you! And a John Deere tractor, too. Of course. ;)

This little print hung in my bedroom years and years ago! It's still one of my favorite passages in all of Scripture.

The beautiful print below was given to Andrew as a gift from his friends the Boyers several years ago. When I found this picture months and months ago (maybe even longer than that--it was certainly during our moving-in/unpacking phase!) I just knew it had to go in your nursery...right alongside the Psalm 23 print. 

{Make Way For Ducklings! When some longtime church friends hosted a baby shower for us in March they used this book as the guest book--so many precious notes fill its opening pages!}

We snuck a photo of Admiral Byrd in your nursery, too. I hope you guys will be best buds one day!

The killer whale print below was in Andrew's nursery when he was a baby!

Sweet Baby Fossen, we can't wait to meet you. We are in the homestretch now! All these special things are just trimmings and trappings. You are the real gift. The real star of the show. We love you so much. 
{Burt's Bees goodies from my Sis // a photo from our Hawaiian babymoon // the softest swaddling blankets from dear Stephie // Mother's Day roses from my Mom!} 

We are praying for you and we can't wait to meet you...soon!


Your Mom and Dad

Letters to Baby Fossen // Volume 3

Thursday, March 5, 2015

Dear Sweet Baby Fossen,

We're enjoying another snow day here in Virginia! Oh this March weather...it sure can be unpredictable! Your Dad and I went for a walk in the snow this afternoon and we couldn't help but laugh at how different our scenery was a few weeks ago! We love the snow, and there is something so peaceful and soul-filling about the quietness of a winter wonderland...but we also love the beach and palm trees and warm weather! God's creation is so varied and gorgeous.

One day when you're older we'll tell you all about our little Hawaiian babymoon to go see your Uncle Isaac in Oahu. We'll tell you how he just rolled out the red carpet for us (greeting us with leis as we pulled onto his street!) and gave up his bedroom/bathroom/kitchen/and pool for us to takeover for the week. 

We'll tell you about visiting the Dole Pineapple Plantation and riding the Pineapple Express (and the pineapple ice cream...that was the highlight!).

We'll tell you about visiting the USS Arizona Memorial at Pearl Harbor. Remind us to tell you about your Dad's experience on the USS Bowfin submarine. We won't soon forget that claustrophobia inducing moment!

We'll tell you about visiting Hanauma Bay and getting to swim for all of 15 minutes before the Honolulu Fire Department declared the beach closed...due to jellyfish!

We'll tell you about sweating our way up Diamond Head and the incredible view from the top.

We'll tell you all about Kailua (your Uncle's home away from home!)...the beaches, Kalapawai Market (the best coffee in town!), Island Snow, the Sunday farmers market, and Lanikai Juice.

We'll tell you about the waves on the North Shore.

And the whales on the South Shore.

And the cows on Kualoa Ranch. 

We'll tell you about the gourmet sea salts we couldn't get enough of, and the shrimp from Giovanni's Shrimp Truck, the sandwiches at Waialua Bakery, and the way the pancakes tasted at Cinnamon's after an hour and a half wait on Sunday morning.

We'll tell you about meeting up with our sweet friends Chris and Leslie for a wonderful dinner at Haleiwa Joe's on Friday night.

And we'll tell you about the huge rain storm that blew through the island the next day. It cleared up in time for your Dad and I and your Uncle Isaac to head to the Paradise Cove Luau. We'll tell you about the sunset from that night, and your Dad dancing on stage (we got it on video).

We'll tell you about driving on base with your Uncle and hiking the Lanikai Pillboxes and swimming at the Marine Corps. beach and how I cried when we drove away from your Uncle's house for the airport because I was pregnant and hormonal but also because we didn't want to leave and I was missing your Uncle already and Hawaii is such a long, long, long way from home.

We'll tell you how we got on the plane in Honolulu and thought what a wonderful trip it had been. How grateful we were to have had the time to drive and eat and laugh together in the warm Hawaiian sun.

You did it all, Baby Fossen! You may not remember any of it, but we'll remind you one day. You little adventurer you. :)

Maybe one day you'll get to visit Oahu, too! Until then we have lots of cozy Virginia snow days for you to look forward to. We love you heaps on heaps. Cannot wait to meet you!


Mom & Dad

Letters to Baby Fossen // Volume 2

Monday, February 2, 2015

Dearest Baby Fossen,

It's your Dad's birthday tomorrow! I'm up late thinking about him and about you. 

Your Dad is such a wonderful man. The love of my life. He's just the best. Sweeter than anything I could have imagined. And I have a pretty good imagination. :) I love celebrating him, especially since he likes to fly under the radar with his birthday. I'm all, where's the cake? Do we have balloons? How many candles can we light at once? Is there a mariachi band available? I like to pull out all the stops for him.

Your Dad is a good man.

Sometimes I feel like there aren't enough things said about good men today. Your grandfathers are good men. Your uncles are good men, too. And your Dad is such a good man. He's so manly, too. He's rugged and muscular and outdoorsy and tough. But I don't think those qualities necessarily make him a good man

I think a good man is one who sacrifices and serves. Someone who puts the needs of others above his own needs. Someone who spends his time and energy and passion and money for others. Someone who stays up late to take the dog on one last walk. Someone who helps you buy nursery furniture instead of spending Saturday hunting. Someone who treats even your girlfriends with abundant generosity. Someone who genuinely loves your parents. Someone who holds your hand and watches the Will & Kate Lifetime movie with you and lets you hog the covers and makes pizza for dinner and brings home flowers just because. Your Dad is that kind of man. 

Yes, he's terribly rugged. And an excellent shot. And a terrifying display of force on the basketball court. 

But, he's also kind. And forgiving. And tender-hearted. And faithful. 

Those qualities make a man a man. Good men have more than skin deep character. Good men have depth.

Baby Fossen, I don't know if you're a boy or a girl, but I hope you'll grow up to know, and love, and appreciate good men. I hope you'll recognize that real manhood comes when you bend low to serve and sacrifice for others. Good men deserve our respect. 

I'm so thankful for the father you'll have, sweet baby. He sacrifices for you already. I hope you'll love and enjoy and respect and celebrate him for a lifetime.

With much love,

Your Mom

{engagement photos by Katie Stoops}

Good Eats

Saturday, January 31, 2015

I loved food before I was pregnant. But, since making it through that first trimester I have realllllllly loved food. Every meal is just so good. I know it must sound like the goofiest thing! I'm just enjoying this whole new appreciation for all kinds of food!

I pack most of my cooking into weekends since weeknights seem to get so full with work, errands, and social commitments. Here are a few recipes I'm making this weekend (and one I made this past week!) that you might enjoy, too!

1. I'm making this carrot cake for Andrew's birthday. His actual birthday is Tuesday but we're celebrating a little early with my family tomorrow after church. I've made this cake a few times and it is hands down the winner of the most compliments from my husband. A few nights ago he asked if I might make make this for his birthday. Well, twist my arm! Yes, goodness! He asks for so little. And, if I'm honest, we BOTH love this cake. :)

2. This egg salad. Oh my heavens, you will love it (If you're into egg salad. Which I am.)! I made this earlier last week (doubled the recipe) and had egg salad sandwiches every day for lunch. I love the addition of the cherry tomatoes...so tasty.

3. Andrew and I are in a couples small group that meets twice a month at rotating houses. Earlier this month the couple that hosted served this chili. And my life has never been the same. I begged them for the recipe and they kindly shared the link with me. This is so easy to throw together...perfect for the Super Bowl weekend!

4. I've never made a pot roast, but I feel like Ree Drummond's Perfect Pot Roast might be the place to start. I'm serving it for Sunday lunch tomorrow...hoping it's as easy as Ree's photos make it look! (Don't you love picture tutorials?)

What are you cooking these days? I would love to hear some of your favorite recipes!