Happy Birthday, Mom!

Friday, September 5, 2014

It's my Mom's birthday today! Happy birthday, Mom!!!

Here's the thing it's easy for me to forget about my Mom: she fills a lot of other life roles than just 'mom'. She's a wife...a daughter...a sister...a sister-in-law...for a lot of years she was somebody's daughter-in-law...now she's someone's mother-in-law...she's an aunt...a cousin...a friend...a small group leader...a neighbor...a mentor...

That's a lot of roles for one woman!

For all the roles you've played in my life, and all the roles I see you play in other people's lives...I'm grateful, Mom! I love you!

Guernsey, Channel Islands // England

Monday, September 1, 2014

Happy September! My Dad's parents were married on September 1st years and years ago...and Andrew proposed on September 1st two years ago! Technically it was his second proposal...in 24 hours. :) You can read all about that special weekend here.

Our engagement anniversary has had me reminiscing all day! And, when my friend Katie posted this photo on Instagram a few weeks ago, my mind went soaring back to our honeymoon travels in England!

Have you read The Guernsey Literary and Potato Peel Society? Oh goodness was it ever a wonderful little book. I think there might even be a movie adaptation in the works. I read the book several years ago and thought it was downright delightful. It made me want to visit the Guernsey Islands...

...fast forward a few years later and my soon-to-be-husband and I were talking honeymoon plans! We both wanted to travel to the British Isles. Andrew scheduled the whole trip and a few weeks after our wedding we were off on our European adventure!

The first stop on our trip (after a flight into Heathrow) were the Channel Islands...and Guernsey! THE Guernsey! From that wonderful book! I was SO excited. Guernsey was as charming, darling, and precious as I'd imagined. I didn't want to leave! Andrew and I explored a few historical sites, and then wandered into the downtown area for a cup of coffee. The town was gearing up for a parade later in the week and shop owners and townsfolk were spread around the main street hanging banners and decorations for the parade. It was like something out of a Disney movie. I loved every second of it.

If you ever get the chance to visit Guernsey I hope you'll go! And if you never get to go, read the wonderful little book about the island and its people...a pseudo-traveling adventure! :)