Postpartum Lifesavers {for Mama}

Wednesday, September 16, 2015

Happy September! I hope you're enjoying a glorious month in your neck of the woods! We've had some beautiful semi-fall days here and I am soaking them up! George and I traveled home this past weekend on our 7th flight of the summer (!!!) with both grandmothers--God bless them. It took all three of us to manage the baby gear! Andrew returns home today after being away for a few days...and then no more travels for us for awhile. :) We are ready to nest at home for a little bit and enjoy this gorgeous Virginia fall!

George turned three months old earlier this month and we officially said goodbye to that fourth trimester. Whew, what a summer! It was so good and sweet, but such an adjustment, too. I feel like there are a million of these lists floating around the Internet these days, but I wanted to share my two cents. Here are a few items that helped me ease into the transition of suddenly having this precious little babe to care for!

1. Jo Malone candle: Oh, the decadence! I feel like a lavender scented candle is a MUST for any new mom! They are just so relaxing and heavenly! My sis-in-law gave me one this past Christmas...I couldn't find that exact one, but here's a splurge worthy Jo Malone lavender candle.

2. Lansinoh HPA Lanolin: My friend, Elise, joked that she used this so much when her son was born she began to call it his lip balm! YES! This little gel was a lifesaver for me. Especially in those early days of breastfeeding when everything was super sensitive and painful. I smothered this gel on around the clock. Worth its weight in gold!

3. Postnatal Vitamins: I took the prenatal version of these throughout my pregnancy with George. These postnatal vitamins are so easy...just take one with every meal. Friendly on the stomach, and great for helping to manage some of those postpartum hormones.

4. Earth Mama Angel Baby Bottom Spray: All the Earth Mama products are wonderful, but this one was just priceless! I used it multiple times a day during that first postpartum month. You can use any leftover spray as a face toner!

5. Kimono Style Robe: Another little decadent treat! :) I feel like a nice robe is just a necessity for a new mom! You're in your PJs so much that first week, and it helps to feel pretty. I have this Plum Pretty Sugar robe. But, you can't go wrong with any of their lovely pieces.

6. Ibuprofen: Another lifesaver! Our neighbor, Denise, ran out the day after we returned home to grab me Ibuprofen, stool softener pills and witch hazel pads (kept them in the fridge for extra cooling relief!). And my Sis showed up later that first week with another huge bottle of Ibuprofen and prune juice...who else but a sister can you send on an errand like that? :) 

7. Lip Balm: Great during labor and postpartum! And so many fun flavors to choose from.

8. Motherlove Sitz Bath Concentrate: Another blogger recommended this bath concentrate and I was eager to try it! It was so relaxing and refreshing.

9. Hydro Flask: Perhaps the most essential item for labor and postpartum! My brother, Isaac, introduced our whole family to these and now we are all completely obsessed. Andrew refilled this for me probably half a dozen times while I was in labor. And once we were home this bottle was on my nightstand at all times. It helped me stay hydrated with all of that nursing!

A few more items...Clif Bars and Trader Joe's Quick Cook Steel Cut Oatmeal were so great to have on hand in those first few weeks. There is no hunger like nursing hunger! :) My Sis also swears by Lara bars...those would be an easy little snack to pack in the diaper bag or just have by your nightstand.

A few favorite nursing bras!

Bravado Body Nursing Bra
Cake Lingerie Nursing
BraBoob Nursing Bra

Oh! And easy makeup removal...I was all about that the first week! These cloths are so great. Fast, gentle, and perfect for a hurried mom! :)
Burt's Bees Cleansing Towelettes