
Friday, March 28, 2014

Currently watching...Nashville. My friend, Alex, introduced me to it with the warning that it was highly addictive and soap operaish. Yes...yes it is. It's my new guilty pleasure. ;) Between Friday Night Lights and Nashville I'm having a love affair with Connie Britton these days!

Currently reading...Sex and the iWorld: Rethinking Relationship beyond an Age of Individualism. The author, Dale Kuehne, spoke at our church last month. Andrew and I had prior commitments that weekend so we missed his whole seminar--and I am kicking myself that we did! A bunch of young adults at our church started reading his book together, and I'm racing through it to join the discussion!

Currently loving...Trader Joe's coffee creamer. Another guilty pleasure. Is there anything not to love about Trader Joe's?!

Currently laughing big Admiral Byrd is getting. He's already 42 pounds! Tomorrow he'll be six months old. I know it sounds so cheesy to say, but I feel like we just picked him up last week! Here's a photo from the week we brought him home...compared with a photo taken a few days ago. He is the sweetest trouble-maker. We love him.

Currently looking forward to...a little staycation in Reston with Andrew this weekend! We're supposed to get rain all weekend here in D.C., and I think that's the perfect excuse to stay indoors and relax!

Happy weekending to you!


Thursday, March 20, 2014

Two years ago!
March 17, 2012
(We'd been dating for two and a half months!)

Hello!!! Happy first day of spring! Are you still reading? Is this thing on? Oh goodness gracious, I know I've been waaaaaay MIA around here. It's March now...and warm days are just around the corner! Thank goodness.

We've had a wonderful, action-packed winter. Our first married winter! I was telling a friend this morning that my winters used to be relatively quiet and relaxing and introspective. The stay-indoors-and-hibernate kind. Somehow this past winter ended up being anything but that! Hah! But, I'm grateful for the many activities we had going on...the trips to visit friends...the chance to host visiting friends...double dates with siblings...Super Bowl activities...engagement parties...birthday brunches...weddings...and dog training! It's been a full winter. :)

We did manage to have a few of those hibernation days--mostly centered around the Olympics. Don't you love the winter Olympics? They've always been my favorite. A few weeks ago I introduced Andrew to Friday Night Lights...he is hooked! We're speeding our way through season two. Clear eyes, full hearts, can't lose!

We're painting a lot these days, too. We've got half a dozen home renovation projects we're working to finish...what a gift to be able to do that. It's hard work and messy, but I certainly don't take it for granted. It is a blessing to have the ability and resources to work on our home. I don't take my father-in-law for granted either! He's been incredibly generous to come over and help Andrew and I with our projects. Hopefully we'll have a before and after project on here soon!

Hope there's sunshine in your neck of the woods today! Andrew and I are soaking up the rays here in Virginia. Happy spring!