Letters to Baby Fossen // Volume 2

Monday, February 2, 2015

Dearest Baby Fossen,

It's your Dad's birthday tomorrow! I'm up late thinking about him and about you. 

Your Dad is such a wonderful man. The love of my life. He's just the best. Sweeter than anything I could have imagined. And I have a pretty good imagination. :) I love celebrating him, especially since he likes to fly under the radar with his birthday. I'm all, where's the cake? Do we have balloons? How many candles can we light at once? Is there a mariachi band available? I like to pull out all the stops for him.

Your Dad is a good man.

Sometimes I feel like there aren't enough things said about good men today. Your grandfathers are good men. Your uncles are good men, too. And your Dad is such a good man. He's so manly, too. He's rugged and muscular and outdoorsy and tough. But I don't think those qualities necessarily make him a good man

I think a good man is one who sacrifices and serves. Someone who puts the needs of others above his own needs. Someone who spends his time and energy and passion and money for others. Someone who stays up late to take the dog on one last walk. Someone who helps you buy nursery furniture instead of spending Saturday hunting. Someone who treats even your girlfriends with abundant generosity. Someone who genuinely loves your parents. Someone who holds your hand and watches the Will & Kate Lifetime movie with you and lets you hog the covers and makes pizza for dinner and brings home flowers just because. Your Dad is that kind of man. 

Yes, he's terribly rugged. And an excellent shot. And a terrifying display of force on the basketball court. 

But, he's also kind. And forgiving. And tender-hearted. And faithful. 

Those qualities make a man a man. Good men have more than skin deep character. Good men have depth.

Baby Fossen, I don't know if you're a boy or a girl, but I hope you'll grow up to know, and love, and appreciate good men. I hope you'll recognize that real manhood comes when you bend low to serve and sacrifice for others. Good men deserve our respect. 

I'm so thankful for the father you'll have, sweet baby. He sacrifices for you already. I hope you'll love and enjoy and respect and celebrate him for a lifetime.

With much love,

Your Mom

{engagement photos by Katie Stoops}