Honeymoon florals.

Thursday, August 29, 2013

My wonderful husband took me to the British Isles for our honeymoon! We explored England, Ireland, Scotland, and even spent a day in Normandy, France. I'm so glad we took as many photos as we did...they're helping me remember exactly what we saw on that whirlwind trip. :)

I love any kind of flower (carnations aside), and the British Isles were just blooming with every kind of floral imaginable. Here's a couple of my favorites:

florals by the sea // Guernsey Island, England

a beauty near the Blarney Castle // Cork, Ireland

urban beauty // Dublin, Ireland

Scottish blooms

Honeymooners in a sea of florals // Orkney Islands, Scotland


Monday, August 26, 2013

Don't you love New York in the fall? It makes me wanna buy school supplies. I would send you a bouquet of newly sharpened pencils if I knew your name and address. On the other hand, this not knowing has its charms. 

-Joe Fox, You've Got Mail

I'm not in New York, and it's not quite fall...but I do love seasonal changes, don't you? There's something fresh and invigorating about the coolness of autumn after a long, hot summer. It feels like you can begin again. You even want to make new resolutions! 

I'm beginning to blog again after a lengthy hiatus. My sister and I shared a blog for years. It makes me smile when I reread posts about our adventures in New York and L.A. Sisters are the best. 

I'm beginning my life as a newlywed, too! Andrew and I were married on June 1st. We're coming up on three months of marriage! If I live to be 100 I'll always be grateful for this sweet summer we've had together. We've learned and grown and traveled and laughed. I feel incredibly proud and thankful to be Andrew's wife. 

I'm beginning my life in a new state! I grew up in Maryland and became a Virginian on June 1st. I'm having fun exploring our little town and discovering all the history of my adopted state.

And I'm a homeowner. Andrew and I are beginning the adventure of renovating and redecorating a wonderful townhouse here in Virginia. I think I married the original DIY guy, and I'm working double-time to keep pace with him. He is a machine.

I hope this space will be a place to record, remember and rejoice in the fullness of this season. A new season! I think it's going to be a fun one.

Mr. and Mrs. at last!

{photo courtesy of Katie Stoops Photography}