A Letter to my Mother-in-Law on my Husband's Birthday

Wednesday, February 3, 2016

Dearest Carolyn,

I spent many years praying for my future husband. I knew the kind of man I wanted him to be. When I was 15 I wrote out nine qualities I hoped he would have. 

I prayed, "Lord, let me marry this kind of man!"

1. A man who loves God
2. A man who is a leader in his workplace and church
3. A servant
4. A man who loves his mom more than any other woman
5. A gentleman
6. A man who respects my parents
7. A man who loves kids
8. A man who loves each of my siblings
9. A man who loves Jesus more than me

I found that list the other night and read it to Andrew. I told him, "Babe, you are everything on this list! And more!!" God abundantly answered those prayers that I prayed so long ago. And he answered so many of them through you.

Now that I am a mom myself I understand the work and the monotony and the joy and the exhaustion that comes with caring for a little person. For years and years you worked tirelessly to raise a son. And that son became my husband. Thank you for raising such an incredible person. Thank you for all of the years you sacrificed your needs on his behalf. Thank you for shaping and guiding and molding the man I prayed for.

I love both of you so much.

Your daughter-in-love,
